Online Simulation

Simulation / Online Training
Online or In-Person 

Simulation Training is a great technology allowing firefighters to train on incidents that cannot easily be replicated or are too hazardous for in-person live burn action. Flash Fire Industries offers Simulation Training online or in-person. These simulations are custom to your department. All our simulator training uses state of the art “Firestudio6” software. This software takes you building images and turns them into modern size-up and tactic training. The entire class is student driven allowing for discussion of over 100 scenarios. 

Simulation points to cover:

Initial Size-Up & Consideration: What do you see from the outside; how will that shape your initial operation?

Apparatus Placement: Using overhead Google Maps allows us to draw out where apparatus should position.

The First Line: “so goes the first line, so goes the fire”- Examine where to place the first line dependent on staffing, water supply, time of day

VES: Look at areas that can be targeted for VES.

Crew Distribution: Not everyone has unlimited manpower. We assess you crew size from previous fires and discuss how they can best be allocated.

ICS: No command board of vests- discussing assignments for later arriving chief officers.

New Officers: allows new officers practice in size-up and decision making.

We also offer the opportunity for departments to “run their own” drill. This involves Flash Fire Industries creating the simulations directly and having departments train.

So is it working? Well, we are learning everyday. But take a look at some of the comments we have received:
“It was a good experience for me, listening and following other’s train of thoughts to gain a better understanding of fire behavior and appropriate tactics used.”

“Very well presented and very informative. Overall impressed and would highly recommend.”

“The zoom platform of the class created a great way for members to interact with the different scenarios.”

“Fantastic! Scene size up is very key and having custom fire and smoke conditions for each scenario gives us great practice and discussion.”

“The overall presentation was more than I could ask for. Each scenario was presented well and gave us an opportunity to test ourselves on fireground tactics given the scenario.”

“Overall one of the better classes.”

“Definitely one of the better ones I have attended.”