Flashover and the Modern Fire Environment

In partnership with the Litchfield County Fire School, Flash Fire and CT Custom Fire are running an open enrollment signature Flashover and the Modern Fire Environment course.
Flashover and the Modern Fire Environment. This isn't just about flashover and the modern fire curve. We delve into 7 statements that have controversy surrounding them. Are they true?Are they false?Take the class and find out. Best of all, we demonstrate nearly every one of them in a live fire environment.
Fact or Fiction? 1) Fires Burn Hotter Today 2) You will be able to recognize the signs of an impending flashover 3) We should not ventilate 4) Backdrafts are common 5) You can push fire 6) A flashover is not survivable 7) A TIC will warn you of impending flashover
After the classroom, students are rotated through live burns that demonstrate each and every aspect of the classroom under real conditions including: Fire Growth, Vent Limited Fires, rapidly expanding fires when oxygen is introduced, proper and improper horizontal and vertical ventilation, rollover, flashover, CAN use, and much more! Thermal Imaging cameras are encouraged to be used as well!
I understand that I must be FF1, and bring my own full PPE, SCBA, and spare cylinder. Thermal Imaging Cameras are encouraged.
Date: Saturday October 9, 2021
Time: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Location: Litchfield County Fire School
606 Burr Mt. Road
Torrington CT, 06790
Cost: $250
Capacity: 24 Students (Waiting List Enabled for Cancellations)
If you have any further questions, please free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 203-258-8984
Event Properties
Event Date | 10-09-2021 8:30 am |
Event End Date | 10-09-2021 4:30 pm |
Cut off date | 10-09-2021 10:00 am |
Capacity | 24 |
Registered | 16 |
Available place | 8 |
Individual Price | $200.00 |
Attachment | Flashover LCFS.pdf |